Last night, out of the blue, I completely re-did my music room. yes, I said music room. We have a 2 bedroom apartment, and my amazing wife lets me use the spare bedroom as my music room.
It took my about an hour, and really was just re-doing the furniture. And afterward- my back was on fire.
But it needed to be done. There was nothing wrong with how it was before, but I didn't go in there anymore. I had begun literally just throwing coats in there. After the makeover, I sat and enjoyed the room for hours.
This needs to be done in church, well, and life. Its not that the first way was bad. It was probably great, but after a while it looses its shine. Happens with everything. Look at your car. When you first bought it, it shined like the moon. After a while it started to lose its glimmer, didn't it?
When you do a makeover like this, it makes you sore. It isn't easy. You will want to give up. But if you stick through it, you will find that its worth it.
As we are 15 days into the new year, look at your life. Maybe There is something that can use a makeover. Look at your church, maybe there is an area that once ran beautifully, but lately has not been as relevant as it could. Afterwards you will not regret it.
more // 2025.
2 months ago
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