You clicked to view this post for one of several reasons. More than likely- it was because you have had your world crumble around you (you are thinking about it right now)- and you connected, breathing a sigh of relief that other people have experienced this as well.
We have all experienced a time when our world crumbles, when it seems we have fallen into a hole we can't get out of. If you haven't yet- you will. How do you deal with it?
Do you run straight into the arms of God, casting all cares and burdens upon Him? or do you wallow for a bit, throwing a pity party? Or maybe you put on a strong face, hold your head up high, and try to push through. Maybe a bit of all three, or two of the three.
What I have learned from my experiences- God is there for us, even when it doesn't feel like it. I know, I know- that sounds incredibly shallow and elementary- but when you are in the midst of a storm, the simplest truth is still a lifesaver that will keep your head above water.
From there, I have been reminded that God doesn't waste a hurt. Scriptures say that God works all things our for our good (Romans 8:28)- so the hurt/storm/crumbling world will not be the end of the story.
Repeat this aloud: This is not the end of your story.
God has a plan. Sometimes He wants you to learn through the experience, sometimes He wants to lead you somewhere new. Sometimes He just wants you to rest in Him. Maybe all three.
But- this is not the end of your story. The storm will pass. Your world will get built back up. But take the time to rebuild. Rebuild your world with the things of God.
I know it was easy for me to type this out. If you are in the midst of a storm- you are probably laughing at me, thinking "it isn't that simple". You're right. It isn't. It is hard. Sometimes it feels impossible. But it has to happen. We have to heal.
THIS IS NOT THE END OF YOUR STORY. Allow your world to be built back up.
more // 2025.
2 months ago
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