I know I haven't really posted in a month or so. There is a reason, I'm working through some things that are more of a private nature.
But I wanted to quickly post about this upcoming week. Dor and I are going back to Greenville for a vacation. I can't wait.
Can't wait for Greenville to wrap its beautiful arms around me, to heal me, to comfort me.
Can't wait to see friends. To see Asheville. To see Charlotte for the wedding of WankenSteen (it's a thing)
I'm looking forward to seeing my family, to going to Capstone Church on Sunday, to eating Chipotle every meal.
Yes. I want to eat Chipotle every meal. And visit Starbucks 3 times a day. Why you ask? Because. I. Can.
What am I going to do?
I'm going to walk around the mall with nothing to do
Go to Hollywood 20
Hang out downtown
Eat waaay too much frozen yogurt
And the whole time have a huge smile on my face.
So Greenville- get ready. Your boy is coming home.
more // 2025.
2 months ago
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