First off: I'm not exactly sure what an open letter is.  But I've seen it written enough to know its the cool thing to do right now (I kid).

    But I want to spend a moment to talk to my Tidal Creek Family.  Thank you for giving me the opportunity to lead you in worship each week.  To be the one who holds the door to the Throne Room for you.  

    I want to let you know what to expect from me, after all- you should know what your getting into.  Maybe we haven't gotten to meet yet.  I hope we do soon.  But until then- you can learn more about me on this site- find out what makes me tick.  I try to post on here as often as possible, at least a couple times a week, writing on the subjects of worship, creativity, music, or life in general.

    But onto what you should expect from me, as your worship leader.  I do not take this job lightly.  Worship is something that goes beyond our music- it is something that should touch every aspect of our life.  My prayer is that through song, through singing together as one united voice, we are able to celebrate the redemption we have found in Christ, the sacrifice He laid down for us, and the joys we celebrate in the worship-filled life we have lived throughout the week.  I want our worship time together to reflect the worship times you have had all week long.

    • Expect me to play music.  This one is a given. 
    • Expect me to pray for you.  Know that I am lifting you up in prayer throughout the week.  Praying that you will stay strong, praying that God blesses, teaches, leads, and reveals Himself to you.
    • Expect me to occassionally mess up.  Yes- I misspelled occasionally.  I didn't do it on purpose- but it proves my point.  I am human- just like you.  Just because I am on staff at a church doesn't mean I'm perfect.  We all mess up, have messed up, and will mess up again.  Don't expect me to mess up all the time- but don't expect me to be perfect.
    • Expect me to give it 110%.  As I said before, I don't take this lightly.  I will not do something half-heartedly, or just 'throw something together'.  I want everything I present to my God, and to you, and to the world, to be something I can be proud of- to be my first fruits, not my leftovers.
    I am so excited to start this journey with you all.  I know that God has big things in store for us at Tidal Creek.  

    If you are curious as to what kind of music you should be expecting- I would compare my style to the likes of Passion.  I think that worshipping through music should be filled with excitement, energy, and reverence.  It should be a time of brutal honesty- to ourselves and to our God.  And above all else- it should be filled with glory to God.  
    I am not here to point to myself.  If I ever do, please call me out on it.  Everything I am is because of God, and given to me by God.  

    I look forward to seeing all of you this Sunday!



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