Remember this.

    When you are going through the storms- you will come out stronger.  I have heard that phrase in some form or fashion countless times in Contemporary Christian music.  And I have always thought it was a shallow thought. But I have come to learn its truth.  You do come out stronger. You do come out of it.

    When you are deciding if you should take the easy way or the hard way-  this will show you what you will get out of it.  In college, I only needed one math credit.  My mother, who had told me to try hard and push myself all my life told me to pick the easiest one, because I only needed one.  I took College Algebra, it was barely a 101 course.  I can't remember anything about it- not the lessons we learned, not the name of the book, not the name of the teacher.  I actually don't remember even being in the class, but my transcript says I did- and there's a "No Indian Giving" rule on diplomas :)

    Remember these things.  If it is hard, you will learn something in it.  I know this is easy, and honestly I'm speaking more to myself than anyone else, but the truth is there.  And sometimes it is the easy truths we tend to overlook in our quest of becoming a better person.

    So take to the rough seas. Conquer them.  Make them yours.


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