Just in case you were wondering- I still don't know what an open letter is. Anyway-
To My Tidal Creek Family:
How have you been? I have gotten to meet some of you on Sundays, but I haven't gotten a chance to really get to know many of you. And I want to. I really do. And that isn't going to happen on Sundays. My head is thinking of chords, music, transitions. I enjoy our time together- but I want to know more than just your name and why you go to Tidal Creek. I want to know what makes you tick. What makes you you. I want to know things you don't normally talk about in church. What is your favorite show? When did you figure out what you wanted to do with your life?
A great way to get to know each other is over coffee. Food gets in the way too often- I think too much about what is good and not enough about who I'm with. So let's get coffee. Seriously. I would like to get coffee with each and every one of you (not at the same time)
We can sit down at Common Ground (I love the atmosphere of Common ground- it is exactly how a coffee shop should be. Brown. Don't ask me why. I didn't make the rules.) We can talk about life.
You can ask me anything.
I want a relationship with you. I want more than just a worship leader/ pastor/ musician/ new guy- I want to know you.
So, if you are interested- let me know! Facebook me. Email me. Leave a comment here. Call or text me (if you need my number- facebook or email me, or ask one of the staff). Ask me on a Sunday.
But let's grab a cup of coffee and get to know each other!
more // 2025.
2 months ago
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