This morning I awoke like any other. Dorothy and I had some spare time so she checked facebook to find out that a girl I had gone to college with, and then worked with at the apartments- a person I would call a genuine friend- had died.
I don't any more details than that. She was one of the last people in Greenville I spoke to before I left. When she called to have me put out late notices, or bug letters, or anything like that- I never told her no. She was that kind of person- so kind, so full of life that you couldn't help but be nice and helpful back.
I can remember this summer when I was applying for the job at Tidal Creek, her and I would sit outside handing popsicles to residents and talk about it, life in general, office happenings.
And now she's gone.
Life is short. Yet we treat it like it is infinite. There is a thought experiment, Schrodinger's Cat, where a cat is put into a box with a vial of poison. At a certain point, the vial would break, killing the cat. Because the cat was inside a box and could not be seen- it was both alive and dead, because our minds didn't know which one. Or think about a wrapped Christmas present- it can be anything you want, until you open it. But until you do open it- you can think of it as any item you could want.
We treat life like this many times- but finite and infinite at any given second. We enjoy our life to the fullest, but rarely do we enjoy and spend our time wisely with the notion that our life could end at any moment. Carpe Diem becomes more of a slogan than an actual mantra.
Time rules over us during our life on earth. Depending on how much of it we have had, it dictates what we can do, say, eat, watch, where we can go. It rules our thinking- try to think about the absence of time. Our human minds cannot wrap around that concept. But one day we will be freed from the rule of time. We will spend eternity either in the presence or the absence of God.
more // 2025.
2 months ago
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