It is Tuesday morning, and I am in Common Ground coffeeshop downtown getting some work done before staff meeting.  My first staff meeting.  I am not generally a 'meeting' type of guy.  Something about having to sit in one place for extended amounts of time. But I am excited about this one, because it is my first one- the beginning of the 'day-to-day' part of my ministry at Tidal Creek

    I got the privilege to lead in a few songs Sunday (I don't start leading until the 18th, to let me help care for Dorothy and unpack), and let me just say- wow.  There was so much energy in the room!  But above any energy that was there because of me being there, and above the fact that the songs were on the edgy side, lies the truth that we praise the One who overcame death to bring us salvation!

    Onto the house: we have gotten settled into our new home (basically)  There are still lots of boxes in a few rooms, but there are some extenuating circumstances that prevent us from really unpacking one wing of the house.

    And on a side note: I am currently listening to the Capstone Worship album, 'No Condemnation'.  I would highly recommend going over to the website (www.capstoneworship.bandcamp.com) and downloading it for only $6!  On it, you will find some songs you have heard before, and 6 songs written by John Dukes and I.  I would say this is a must-have for all the STONERS out there, and anyone else who is looking for some new music to plug into the iPod.

    [Note: If you are kind of freaked out that I used the word 'stoners', then 1) I can safely assume you have not been to Capstone, and 2) don't worry- it is an acronym of what the people of Capstone do/ believe)

    Back on topic- not sure which topic- but back on a topic.  Ah- Tidal Creek.  We'll do that one.  First off, thank you so much for welcoming my family into yours like this.  We have been overwhelmed with love, kindness, and generosity.  Secondly, thank you for the opportunity to lead you in worship each week.  I hope to be a doorholder for you as you are ushered into the Throne Room of God.

    It is my prayer to lead you effectively, lovingly, and worshipfuly.  It is also my prayer to continually be faithful to the calling God has placed on my life.  I hope you pray that for me as well, and all your leaders at Tidal Creek.

    Before I came, I used the phrase "Good things are coming".  I strongly believe this still, and have used this as my personal slogan for this position.  Not because of anything on my end (I'm just a guy trying to follow my Savior), but because it seems Satan is trying every way he can to steal our joy or to send us home. And God is telling us each step to stay. If I didn't believe in Spiritual Warfare before, I do now.  But I have joy in this because I know that something awesome is waiting that Satan does not want.

    Sorry for the length- but because we don't have internet right now at the house, I'm stuck to updating whenever I get wifi, so I have alot to say for a change!


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