So I've posted the pictures via flickr, but I haven't written about it yet. Let me first say that this trip was amazing. And nothing like I expected. I can pretty safely say that no one on the trip expected it to be like it was.
There were times we got frustrated. There were times we got tired. There were times we got dirty. There were times we got yelled at.
There were times we get to build water purification tanks that are on their way to Uganda right now. There were times we got to help janitors in a local elementary school do in a day what would normally take them 3 weeks. There were times we got to play with kids and give them a great day of slip-n-slide and hot dogs. There were times we got to help out a new churchplant and volunteer on the labor of a movie night so that the church could interact with their community.
At Water Missions International, I got to assemble a rig from start to finish (excluding filling the filters and putting on some plastic), and test it to make sure it would hold up under pressure. I was then informed it was being shipped to Uganda two days later to provide clean water to those who have no access to it. Wow. That was an incredible honor.
We had tons of laughs, one of the funniest true stories I have ever heard (I'll give you a hint- it involves a man in a wheelchair, boiled peanuts, Bubba Gumps, a handicapped bathroom, and an unfortunate tourist), and some awesome time serving our Creator.
I'm sorry this recap isn't the best, I'm still trying to get back in the rhythm of being home. As I said earlier, it wasn't what we expected, but one of the things I kept trying to remind myself of a story in Acts 18. Paul became fed up with the Jews in Corinth, and told them that their blood was on their own hands, and that he was done ministering to Jews. But God spoke to him, telling him to continue his ministry.
It reminded me as I read that, and throughout the week that being a servant of Christ means just that. I am a servant. A servant is not a glamorous role. As a servant, I don't get to choose who I minister to, or how I serve, but I am supposed to obey the direction of God.
And that is what I learned on this trip. That and how to build and pressure test a water rig.
more // 2025.
2 months ago
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