Do you have times when you feel insanely creative? Times when it seems like you can't be stopped. It might not be when are actually creating something, but when you are inspired.
What causes that? For you. What inspires you?
For me, I am inspired at random times. Many times, an idea pops in my head when I cannot do anything about it.
But here is a list of my biggest inspirations:
- Movies- I don't know why, but they get my mind churning, not just on film ideas, but music and writing.
- Conversations- As anyone who has ever had an idea can tell you, most of the times an original idea has holes in it- it isn't a complete picture. Many times conversations will help me fill in those holes by getting other opinions.
- Other People- My biggest inspiration for blogging is other people's blogs. Many times someone will write something similar to an idea I have had, but didn't know how to write it. Seeing their perspective helps me form my own opinions.
- Music- Obviously, music helps inspire other music. Strangely this isn't my biggest inspiration though. I find if I am listening to a different genre than I usually do, it helps spark my mind, but listening to the same genre I am trying to write doesn't help me much.

What ways work for you? And why? Maybe they can help others.
What inspires you to create? What makes you feel creative?
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