If you have ever read the story of Joseph, then you know he was dealt some pretty messed up cards. Thrown into a pit and left for dead, sold into slavery, accused of rape, put in jail- it's a life you wouldn't wish on your enemies.
I know that if I was in that situation, I would stop trying. Thrown into a pit, sold into slavery, I would still probably maybe strive for greatness. But after all of that? I would settle for being a nobody and fade into the background.
And I bet you would too.
But Joseph didn't. He continually strove to great things. Not for the sake of 'moving up in the world', but simply because he wanted to help. And look where it got him! He became the number two person in all of Egypt!
We should learn from Joseph- not for some prosperity-Gospel "God has millions of dollars waiting for you, if you would just follow him" kind of malarkey, but for the reason that he always did the best he could, simply because that is who he was.
He didn't slack off on his job because he didn't like it, or because he wasn't treated fairly. No matter how dark things got, he continually strove to be helpful.
Maybe your surroundings and situations aren't what you want them to be, or think they should be. Maybe you feel under appreciated. Maybe you have a job where you feel degraded and that you have so much more potential than what they realize.
Take a lesson from Joseph- do well with what you are given. Maybe someone will notice and promote you. Maybe not. But that shouldn't matter.
Are you willing to be like Joseph?
more // 2025.
2 months ago
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