We are created to worship. Period. I don't believe this will be life-altering news to anyone. You choose who/ what you worship.
But worship is ours. It is unique, like snowflakes, to each person. Which is why it is a tragedy that worship has become linked to an hour on Sundays in Christendom.
So here's what has been blowing my mind lately: worship is the only thing that can be created by man that will last for all eternity.
Obviously, worship didn't start with man. The moment God said, "Let there be light" creation worshiped its Creator. And worship will not end with humanity. As Christians, we will spend eternity giving praises to our Savior apart from our earthly bodies.
But the point is this: we get an active role in something that will never end.
The earth will fade away.
Your career will end.
Emotions will be no more.
You're life on this earth will come to a conclusion.
Our bodies will decay and turn to dust.
Everything we own will decompose (yep- even plastic! Well, maybe not decompose, I was trying to not use the same words over and over. It's really God's call on how everything will end. But- if the time is there [500 years], plastic will decompose).
And yet worship, our worship, will remain.
So as you head to gather with your church, or whenever it is that you read this, think of the importance worship must have if this is true! I know that I am blown away by the fact that I get to actively participate!
more // 2025.
2 months ago
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