We were created to worship. It's true, and you can't argue with me on this. You may disagree on what we were created to worship, but the point is we all worship something.
Look around you- everywhere there is someone or something pleading their case on why they should be the next worshiped thing.
We were created to worship... our Creator. Look at the worldly things we place on pedastals and ask yourself how long you have liked them. All of those things have a expiration date in two ways:
1) At some point you will get sick of them. I used to love T-Bone, the Christian rapper, but it got old. Go figure..... At one point I loved the idea of braided belts with the extra looped through and hanging down, and I think we can all be on the same page and say we don't need to see that ever again.
2) Everything will turn to dust someday- except God.
We like to think of worship being paired with time, and we couldn't be more wrong. Worship is an act completely seperated from time, because it is the one thing that we as humans do that will last forever. Seriously- think about it- in Heaven we will sing praises to God for eternity. Not for a while. Not "like forever". Forever. Our worship will not end.
Worship is such a powerful thing, and I don't think I have really ever realized it until now- the idea that it is the one thing we do that is eternal. And this leads me to the next point: what worship isn't.
Because worship is eternal, it isn't defined by timely things. I will not be able to play guitar forever. That is a tool limited to earth, as far as I know. My ability to play guitar shouldn't define my worship. My worship should define what I do.
Let's use our time here on this world preparing for eternity, by worshiping our God and Savior.
more // 2025.
2 months ago
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