You hear everywhere you go to be tolerant of everyone. Especially of everyone's religion.
I have to say, it has set off a thought inside my head that seems mighty dangerous. We gotta stop being so stinkin' tolerant! Christ says to love your neighbor as yourself, and that your neighbor is anyone you come into contact with (check out Luke 10). We are supposed to be more than tolerant of the people around us, despite their beliefs. We are supposed to love them.
We have to stop ignoring the sin just because the person is filling a seat. Stop ignoring the sin just because dealing with it inconveniences us.
We are called to treat people with love. All people. No buts.
I can't get this thought out of my head, because what would it look like if the Church tore down barriers and actually loved the people it was trying to reach. Now- there are many churches doing that. But there are also many churches not. Not pitying people, saying "Well, we know he is living in sin- but we are just going ignore it, he might leave, and if he isn't here, who knows where he would be?" I will answer that for you- he will probably be in bed. asleep. Sunday morning at 9.45 isn't really the "prime-time" for sin. If you really love the person you have brought into your church, you would care about them and lovingly correct them.
There is a phrase that has been 'popular' in the church for a while- "Love the sinner, hate the sin". I vote we change that. Not to change the meaning, but just the phrasing. We were sinners, too. But with this phrase many times we say it in such an airy way as if we have never done anything wrong. So from now on, let's just say "Love everyone, hate sin."
So stop being tolerant. Stand up for what you believe in. Don't "co-exist", because co-existing doesn't work. Christians are called to spread the name of Christ. Coexisting says to keep it to yourself.
Just remember- love everyone. hate sin.
more // 2025.
2 months ago
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