First off, I'm not saying that I am the most creative person in the world. But I feel like I have a decent grip on it. I know there are people out there, maybe you, that want to be creative. You probably already are, and either don't realize it, or are too hard on yourself about it.
Here is the key- don't try to re-invent the wheel. As one blog wrote- Apple didn't invent the tablet, but they took it to new heights. Unfortunately, I don't remember where I read this (if you wrote this, let me know).
But too often we sit down and say "I'm going to be creative, and I'm going to blow everyone away with this awesome idea." 9 times out of 10, the only thing you'll end up with is a headache.
Instead, just try looking at something from a different point of view. Want to be a creative photographer, take a picture from an angle that you're eyes don't naturally go to. If you are taking a picture of a statue, don't try to take it looking straight onto it. People can see that by going to the statue. You want to show people something they can't necessarily see by witnessing it firsthand.
Take the iPad into consideration. It is really just a computer mashed into a cafeteria tray. Someone invented the computer, and others perfected it. Then someone else decided to look at it from another point of view. Then Apple 'enhanced' it.
If you are not typically a creative person and you want to be, don't force it, and don't reinvent the wheel. Instead realize that the wheel needs something to turn it. Something that most people don't see. People may not agree with you, but creativity isn't about other people. Its about you.
more // 2025.
2 months ago
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