What are your dreams? Not the sleeping kind. What are your life dreams? I like to think these kind of dreams are different than goals, because goals deal with things you are 'actively working towards', and dreams are 'what you want to accomplish'. Goals can become dreams, but dreams have a tendency to be 'this may not happen, but I want it to'.
Too often now, dreams are boring. When we were kids, our dreams were to be firefighters, superheroes, superhero firefighters. Anything was possible. But as we grew up, our dreams died to goals. We settled for things that will happen. What happened?
We grow up, and either, we are told that our 'childish ways are behind us', or 'you have a family to take care of', of something else. So we put our dreams into a coma, and then work at a job we don't really like and make goals of working our way up the corporate ladder.
I don't like this. I don't like the idea of it. Yes, you need to provide for your family, but not just with money. You need to teach your children to dream. To enjoy life.
So I propose we try dream more. I am a dreamer. I come up with things I want to do/ try/ learn every day. In some ways it is a flaw, but I enjoy that aspect about me.
Need some help getting some dreams together? Here's a brief list.
1) Make a list of 10 things you want to do before your 30th, 40th, or 50th birthday. Things that you can't 'just do'. Take time on this list.
2) Come up with something you wanted to do as a child. For example, if you wanted to be a firefighter, make that your dream. Research what it would take to be a volunteer fire-fighter.
3) This is the most important, I think. Don't be embarrassed about your dreams. Too often, I find that people are ashamed of their dreams, saying things like 'I know its silly, but...' Don't be ashamed. Its your dream!
One of my 'silly' dreams is that I wanted to be part of dcTalk as a kid. As an adult, my dream has changed to record a song with a member of dcTalk. Yes, it is silly. But who cares, I am not doing it for you.
So, join me. Let's dream more. Let's change this 'american way' of letting our dreams fall short in order for our work. If you can, post what your dreams are in the comments sections.
more // 2025.
2 months ago
Honestly, I just dream to live a simple, happy life that affects as many people as possible in as many positive ways as possible. I dream to keep my few good friends my whole life and read more books than anyone ever. Also, I want to open an Italian restaurant inside an Olive Garden in Myrtle Beach and be the maitre'd.
Love that dream! Except the Olive Garden part. i mean, do something classy, like Capri's, or Sbarros. Just kidding- I want in. I'll be the coat check.
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