I don't know about you, but because my mind loves to think of new and exciting ways to look at things, it freaks out and can't see simple solutions. I have found that to be true with many creative type people.
Grace |
So here I am, band practice in 2 hours. I quickly tried to see if I could fix it, but what happens when you freak out- your muscles go nuts. I knew I would probably end up breaking something else. I also knew Guitar Center closed at 7. It was 6:38.
I sprint from the music room into the living room, throwing on shoes and jacket and keys, yelling 'Broke my guitar- taking it to guitar center, love you!'
I was freaking out. Because, as a 'creative person', I see all the possibilities of failure and what could go wrong. Well, maybe that's just me. But once it was fixed (thank you to the people of Guitar Center Greenville for helping me out), I realized how simple of a solution it was. That even if I couldn't fix it, Guitar Center was only 5 minutes away. But I freaked. Not the good kind where your adrenaline goes, but the kind where after you could cry for days for no reason.
Do you freak out like that when little things go wrong?