If you are a Holmes, you know what this means even though you haven't heard the phrase before.
Chester is my grandfather. Papa to me. An incredible man. But he has his quirks just like all of us. And it seems many of his 'signature' traits are genetic. For example- insomnia.
I remember as a child whenever we would to go the beach together, he would be up at any given moment of the night. I have now caught this insomnia. And many of my cousins have. Just two nights ago I stayed awake through a slew of sleeping medication, even though I tried with all my might to go to sleep.
Papa also has a great sense of humor. Some may refer to it as a "crazy" sense of humor. This genetic trait is visible every Christmas when the "Christmas prank" occurs. Every year.
Some of the past 'gifts':
- The 'Expensive Present' (I don't remember this one because I was either too young or not born, but they wrapped a big box full of broken glass, metal, anything they could find, and told my cousin who was very young to bring it to Papa and 'accidentally' drop it)
-The Chester Rester (a portable toilet seat for where-ever he is)
-The Big Screen TV (this is a favorite to 'regift'. What you do is lay your TV on its back, and attach what is essentially an overhead projector to the screen)
-The Welcome Mat from a hotel (no explanation needed.)
There are many many more 'traits' I could mention, but you get the picture
These genetic traits could send a person to an asylum for commitment. I don't know many people who could handle it. You have to learn to deal with it. I have. I am proud to call myself a Holmes, as I know my family is.
What about your family? What weird and strange traits do you have to deal with?
more // 2025.
2 months ago
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