Last night was Capstone Worship Live (well, that's the name I gave it). It was Capstone's 2nd Birthday, and we recorded a night of worship.
It went amazingly. I haven't looked at the tracking yet, so I am not speaking about the quality of recording, but the atmosphere was unbelievable.
Rocky Creek joined us last night, and with the threat of snow, I honestly imagined maybe 100 people attending. Boy, was I wrong (do people still say 'boy' like that? Who cares.) There were roughly 350 people worshiping one God. In that hour, we were not Rocky Creek and Capstone, we were a united body of Christ. That's an awesome experience! I don't have any pictures, but if you have ever been to the Capstone building, the main room was fillled with chairs until the back curtains! We normally average 175-200 in The Gathering, so this was a big jump! Now imagine those people singing praises to God.
It sounds strange, but being on stage watching this was incredibly humbling. Normally you would think that would be not that humbling, but I got to see just what my God can do!
It was awesome getting to share songs we had written with others. For me, it was a stranger experience, because I had grown up around all the Rocky Creek people, so for many it was the first time many of them knew that I sang, wrote songs, or even played an instrument.
Now that we have the recording end done, the tracks are off for mixing. If everything goes according to plan (as in not having to touch up some parts), we should have it back by March. Exciting things happening here! Exciting times!
more // 2025.
2 months ago
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