The past 10 years have been fairly monumental for myself.  Granted, I was 12 ten years ago- but some pretty good milestones have passed.

    Ten years ago, I going into 7th grade.  My dad resigned from being youth pastor at Rocky Creek Baptist Church, and moved to Minister of Education.  My first youth trip was planned and executed by a few of my dad's youth who stepped in as makeshift college interims- Jeremy Smith and Walt Tanner.  Interesting fact, I know work for Walt Tanner at Capstone.  But that was technically 1999.

    We as mankind have survived Y2K!  Do you remember that!   Even Christians, who avoid  "the world is ending" rumors like visitation night at their local church, were buying into it.  I remember I was sitting in a ski lodge with my youth group, my youth pastor (who was a bit eccentric) was asking us all what we thought, and we were asking him questions on what would happen.

    My entrance into this decade,  as well as many of yours, was guided by caution. But the decade was one for the books, at least for me.  Below is just a small list of what I have accomplished (my memory may not have everything, but these are things that have stuck out to me)

    Within this decade I have:
    -met my wife (2001)
    -written a drama (2005)
    -lettered in a sport (2004 & 2006)
    -graduated from high school (2006)
    -taught myself guitar (2005)
    -written songs (2006)
    -formed a band (2006)
    -had a song that I wrote featured on B93.7 FM (2007)
    -been a youth pastor (2009-2010)
    -pursued what God created me for (2007-)
    -graduated from college (2010)
    -got married (2010)

    Again, this is an abbreviated list.  But it is the highlight reel. I feel as though I have used this decade well.  This decade is the decade that shaped me into the adult I have and will become.  I mean, I am technically a child of the 90's, but nothing that happened in the 90's really shaped me.  Without this decade, who knows what I would have become.  So thank you: 2001-2010, for all that you have made me into.


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