Recently I started a new series: [People You Should Get To Know].  Today's "people" is coffee company Land of A Thousand Hills.

    Drink Coffee. Do Good.
    That is the mission statement of Land of A Thousand Hills coffee company.
    They is a fair-trade company that exists to help people. They started in Rwanda by providing jobs for coffee farmers, giving them a sustainable income.  

    How many of you drink coffee?  

    I believe people generally want to help other people.  The problem is that we look at a problem like African poverty and think "How could I ever fix this?"   
    We look only at the big picture and never see the fact that if we change one life- one person- we are one step closer. We believe the lie that changing the world is either impossible or requires dedicating your life to living in dirt huts and giving up showers.

    Now, back to my question: How many of you drink coffee?  I know I do.  Land of A Thousand Hills coffee is good coffee.  Plain and simple.  For a second- let's forget about the charity part of the company and just focus on the coffee.  Do you want to drink good coffee?  I think all of us would say "yes!"  And this is good coffee that stands on its own.
    So if you are already going to drink a cup of coffee, and we all like good coffee- shouldn't we be drinking a coffee that also helps people? That spreads the Gospel? That is changing the world, one person at a time?

    Here is a story from the voices of Land of A Thousand Hills themselves, they tell their story much better than I could:

    Drink coffee. Do Good.

    Buy their coffee for you home, your church, your business, your friend.  I mean, if we are already going to be drinking coffee- is it too much for us to pay a few dollars more and help someone?  That is not meant to be a guilt-inducing statement- but a truth.  

    Visit their shop.  Buy their coffee.  Drink Coffee. Do Good. 
    Simple as that.


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