I am getting ordained this Sunday. And a lot of people have asked me what exactly that means. I figured I would take some time and explain what it means- to me at least.
Being ordained into the ministry is basically a church declaring that they support the ministry of a believer who is dedicating their life to ministry. I used the word 'ministry' a lot, I know.
Think of it this way (it is how I like to look at it): Baptism. The baptism doesn't save you- it is an outward expression of an inward decision. Baptism tells the world "I a beginning a relationship with Christ, I have been washed clean." Ordination is like that, but instead of telling the world I have been washed, it tells the world I am dedicating my life to ministry- in my case- worship ministry.
I know people who think of ordination as a "traditional" thing, so "contemporary" has no place for it, no need for it. While I can see where they are coming from- its not some tie to a "old way". It is simply confessing my dedication to the spreading of the Gospel.
I have no real desire to marry people. I have no desire to bury people. Now, if someone I care about comes to me and asks me, I would be honored. But I have no real desire to marry and bury.
Ordination is not the means that allows you to marry someone. it is so much more than that. It is first and foremost a declaration to spread the Gospel.
I'm getting ordained on Sunday.
It doesn't change who I am as a person.
It doesn't mean I am any more or less relevant in a contemporary and modern world.
It doesn't mean I'm only going to sing the 1st, 2nd, and 4th verses of "Just As I Am".
It doesn't mean I'm going to walk around making people call me Reverend.
It doesn't mean I am going to start marrying and burying people.
It doesn't mean I am a Super Christian who knows everything about theology (FAR from it!)
It does mean that I am dedicating my life to spreading the good news of Christ.
It does mean that I want the support of my fellow believers, of my Tidal Creek family, and of Rocky Creek- the church I grew up in and who is ordaining me.
If you have any questions. Just ask me. If I don't know, I can give you a long list of people smarter than me. Well, its a book actually.
more // 2025.
2 months ago
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