- All Because of Jesus
- Beauty of the Cross
- No One Higher/ The Stand
- O Come O Come Emmanuel
- God of this City
Today was the end of our Core Value's series. We talked about being missional minded. That MISSIONAL is just a fancy word for SENT.
Christ came to us. Everything we are is because of Jesus. Because of the hope He gave us, because of His mission, we can find beauty in the once-ugly cross. The cross that was a symbol of death, destruction, sadness- is now a cross of beauty, hope, love, and sacrifice.
We are called to go. Christ came to the world. We, as receivers of this grace, are called to pass it along to those who have not received it yet. We need to be more like Mother Theresa.
During the Holidays (Thanksgiving to Christmas)- the world feels much more giving than normal. We raise money for food for families, we shower them in gifts and grace, are arms open up as wide as we say they are. Why can't we do this all year? I understand why non-believers do- they get caught up in the moment. That special feeling one gets at Christmastime, like there is something special present with us. But we, as Christians, who have that special presence with us at all times (Immanuel- God with us)- why can't we be this charitable all year long?
David gave us 5 things for us to remember where to go.
- We go where our daily lives take us.
- We go where we see God at work.
- We go where God calls us.
- We go to places that are broken…places that are in need of healing.
- We even allow those God sends to enter into our brokenness.
I want to close with this post with this song. It is called "Unlock my Roar" by Daniel Bashta- I love the bridge of this song:
I am Jesus to this city
I am Jesus to this city
I am Jesus to this nation
I am Jesus to this city
I am Jesus to this city
I am Jesus to this nation
Be Jesus to your city. Be Jesus to your nation. Be Jesus to your world.
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