Last week I worked on building a site for Fountain Inn's Community Egg Drop.  I used Adobe Dreamweaver for the first time, and had a template I found to work from.  From there I changed many things- but it was fun because it really stretched who I was as a designer.  I don't consider myself a 'graphic designer' by any means.  I consider myself someone who if needed to can put together something that will suffice, but that there could always be better.

    Above is a screenshot of the home page.  Once I got the hang of Dreamweaver, it was alot of fun to design!  The site features a picture gallery, tables, text, and custom links that I had to design and organize.

    I'm still not great with FTP uploading.  It took my a while to actually figure out what files and in what order I needed to upload the files so the file paths would remain the same.  I really wish that whoever hosted the site would have an option where you could just upload each file. For example: there would be a upload section where you could upload pages, a place to upload CSS, images.  I know that FTP programs like Filezilla do that with relative ease, but it first takes you understanding what folders need to be there.  But anyway- I got it done, and it was actually fun.  All in all, it took me about 3 days of working around a few hours a day, and then tinkering with it every now and then.

    One glitch on the site that I have found is that if you go to the About, or Contact page, the header is blank, but once you refresh the page, the text comes up.

    Before you click refresh
    After refresh
    Does anyone know what could cause this?  If you look carefully at the first picture, you can see the text, but its in green in the background, and the refresh bring the text to white and to the front.  Strange.


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