so I just got back from Meltdown 2009. Let me tell you, God moved. We took about 90 kids, from grades 6-12. The theme of the weekend was Living the Christ life. We had about 5 sessions, and a concert from 33 Miles (eh...).
    I am incredibly tired, I am apparently getting old. I slept a decent amount, more than most people there.
    We didn't have any salvations in our group, but I witnessed the majority of my youth truly worship God. To look across the crowd and see a huge group of students with hands raised high, minds on Christ, and a passion to worship; it was incredible. I am so proud of them.
    Johnathan Elrod did the worship, as always, and as always he was incredible. Elrod is probably the most effective traveling worship leader in the state of South Carolina. By effective I do not mean he gets people to worship, or that he gets people to commit to salvations, but that he has a true, honest passion for youth and worship.

    It was amazing to witness this, and I wish we didn't have to come back so that I would worship God in watching the kids worship God.


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